About Us

This website is maintained and produced by a small group of Starbucks Odyssey enthusiasts. We are not affiliated with Starbucks. We are not being paid by Starbucks. We are not past or present employees of Starbucks. Most of us were new to web 3.0 and NFTs before joining Odyssey. All authors of this website currently own Starbucks Odyssey stamps. We decided to make this website to provide useful information to newly on-boarded Odyssey users since there are no other Starbucks Odyssey resources available right now outside of the Starbucks Odyssey Discord. 

You can follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter).  We are @Odyssey_Tips.

Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors. The information on this website should not be construed as financial advice.  While the information on this website is educational, you should not solely rely upon it to make any decisions regarding whether you should buy or sell any Starbucks Odyssey stamps. Any statements on this website regarding the future value of Starbucks Odyssey stamps is speculative, and should not be understood as a promise, guarantee, or representation that the price of any Starbucks Odyssey stamp will increase, decrease, or attain a certain value. Please do your own research before participating in Starbucks Odyssey and purchasing Starbucks Odyssey stamps (NFTs). Purchasing NFTs is inherently risky. You should consult with your own legal counsel and financial advisors before purchasing any Starbucks Odyssey NFTs. 
